We are expecting!!!

Bird nest at Abellon WTE Plant

Our Ahmedabad Waste to Energy Campus is playing host to some surprise but very welcome guests…

Since we started construction of the campus a year ago, we have hosted many visitors from all over the world. However, these are highly special guests whose visit is a source of great joy and wonder for all of us.

Hidden away in the lush green cover of over 10,000 trees on the campus, we discovered a Bird’s Nest. Birds were once a familiar sight in our cities and many of them used to thrive close to human habitats. However, rapid urbanization and an inhospitable environment, have made it difficult for them to survive and flourish.

The goal of our Waste to Energy campus is to make our city a more livable and clean city, to undo the damage caused to the city’s environment and air quality, and to restore the equilibrium between man and nature.

We have designed the campus as a nature friendly zone, focusing on conserving and nurturing biodiversity.  Today, the extensive green cover on the campus attracts many different species, which are making it their home.

We are delighted to see our vision bearing fruit in many “small” but powerful ways. There is a sense of anticipation and excitement on the campus, as we look forward to welcoming the new babies into the world…

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