Author: admin

On the 26th of January 2020, the Hon. CM of Gujarat Shri Vijaybhai Rupani performed the ground breaking ceremony of our Rajkot waste to energy project. Also present on the occasion were Hon. Mayor of Rajkot City Smt. Binaben Acharya, RMC Commissioner Shri Udit Agrawal 
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The Municipal Commissioner of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Shri. Vijay Nehra (IAS) recently visited our Ahmedabad WTE site. He took a round of the campus accompanied by our MD & CEO Mr. Aditya Handa and President Mr. Pankaj Patel. Further, he interacted with the Abellon Projects 
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We conducted the foundation ceremony of our Jamnagar waste to energy plant in November 2018. The target for commissioning of the plant is April 2020. Coming up over 16 acres of land, the Jamnagar waste to energy plant will be a new landmark for the 
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A team from Abellon recently visited Pachchanady dump site in Mangaluru to assess potential for setting up a WTE plant. Post the visit, we have submitted a detailed project report to the city corporation. The proposed plant will dispose 700 tonnes of waste everyday through 
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Key members of Team Abellon visited Belgium for a Design Liaison Meeting with Keppel Seghers. Accompanying them were our partners INI Designs as well as Thermodyne Technologies. Keppel Seghers is our technology partner for WTE. The teams had a discussion on various aspects of the 
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Abellon and ONGC have signed a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) to use captured carbon dioxide from our Ahmedabad waste to energy plant for EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery). EOR is a process that extends the life and recovery of oil from depleting and aging wells. The 
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Abellon and German company Agraferm GmbH have entered into an agreement to set up bio-gas plants in India. The Agraferm Group is one of the leading providers of bio-gas plants on turnkey basis in the world. The company has developed over 90 bio-gas plants worldwide. 
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Our R & D Team successfully applied for two more patents for Smart Renewable Power Plant and Smart Vertical Dryer in 2019. With these filings the total patents count in the R & D portfolio of Abellon rose to 29 across diverse areas of clean 
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On World Environment Day 2019, we conducted the foundation ceremony of our waste to energy plant in Ahmedabad. We also started a massive Plantation Drive on the plant campus. Our target is to plant over 10,000 trees on this campus. We are setting up the 
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On 3rd of Nov. 2018, we conducted the ground-breaking ceremony of our Waste to Energy plant at Jamnagar. We began the day with an orientation session for the team. After this, it was time to lay the Foundation Stone. We conducted a puja to seek 
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